About Fatima Bey

Bridal Background

My mother was amazing at sewing and used to make some of our clothes. I began sewing and general crafting at 8 years old. In high school, I began to make some of my own clothes. Fast forward to adulthood, I eventually started my own in-home business making and designing home decor. Eventually, I became the Alterations Manager at one of the nation’s highest-volume David’s Bridal. After spending about 10 years there, I decided to start my own business in sewing bridal.

I have now been in the bridal business for over 20 years. I absolutely LOVE working one-on-one with brides and prom girls. I have won multiple awards as a Bridal Seamstress. I also am an advisor for a local Fashion & Beauty Institute, a program that helps to grow seasoned entrepreneurs in the fashion industry.

Teaching Experience

I started teaching sewing in 2010. I have taught all over the capital region, including a couple of colleges. I love teaching. If you are looking for sewing lessons, click on the link.

Dual Entrepreneur

I am also a Dual Entrepreneur. In addition to being a Master Seamstress, Designer, and Dressmaker, I am also a MindShift Coach at Fatima Bey The MindShifter. As The MindShifter, I am also a writer, podcast host, speaker, teacher, and own an online store.

Always A Business With A Cause

Both of my businesses and any businesses I will own in the future are businesses with a cause. I donate a portion of all proceeds to an organization that helps orphans and human trafficking victims around the world. Please visit the Charity page to learn more.

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